"Setiap Orang Yang Berusaha Untuk Meninggikan Kalimah Islam Boleh Menggunakan Segala Yang ada padanya Seperti Harta Benda, Jiwa Raga, Pena (penulisan), dan lidah (dakwah)"- Sayyid Abul 'Ala al-Maududi
Man, alone blessed with intellectual capacity, is honoured above all other creatures and is made ALLAH's khalifah (vicegerent) on earth, everything in which is made subservient to man.
Man is to worship his Creator not only by observing given ritual practices, but also by leading a righteous moral life guided by the dictates of the Revelation and the conscience of his mind which distinguished right from wrong and good from evil.
In gratitude to his Creator, man should choose the right path, and be obedient to his Lord Who always watching over hm.
As far as possible, the mind should always be nourished with knowledge that adds to its sharpness enlightenment and wisdom.
Moral and religious obligations only belong to sound conscious mind. Without it, a person cannot be held responsible. He cannot be held responsible for a thing done in oblivion or under coercion.
Perempuan cantik tapi tidak berakhlak spt derhaka kepada ibu bapa adalah ibarat bunga raya, catik ttp tidak harum baunya. sebaliknya perempuan yang kurang cantik ttp berakhlak mulia, taat kepada Allah, taat kepada suami ibarat bunga cempaka tidak cantik ttp wangi baunya.
Antara bunga raya dan bunga cempaka, bunga cempaka lebih diminati, sebab it kita tengok bunga cempaka dijual dan dipakai tp bunga raya tidak dijual dan dipakai. keutamaan perempuan samada cantik atau tidak adalah pada akhlaknya, taqwanya dan taatnya pada suami.
Perempuan yang cantik tidak berakhlak dan tidak taat adalah menyakitkan hati suami walaupun sedap mata memandang. Perempuan yang kurang catik pulak tidak berakhlak dan tidak taat pula menyakitkan hati dan menyakitkan mata. sebab itu usah bangga dengan rupa dan usah risaukan sangat hal rupa paras yang kurang menarik. tapi berlumba-lumbalah untuk mejadi wanita yang bertaqwa, berakhlak dan mentaati suami dan ibu bapa.
Kalau ada nescaya ALLAH sayang, suami dan ibu bapa sayang dan seluruh manusia sayang.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata; bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:
"Islam mula tersebar dalam keadaan dagang (asing). dan ia akan kembali asing. maka beruntunglah orang-orang yang asing."
Aku melihat dunia hari ini, orang-orang Islam ibarat digenggam belenggu orang-orang kafir, akhirat mereka luput, dunia pun tercicir... budaya jahil tidak diambil peduli, melampau-lampau dalam hiburan, khayalan keterlaluan, luas.. luas membanjir.. teruk... tak tertaksir orang-orang yang karam...
Barus, Singkel, Pasai, Ranir, Cardoba, Baghdah, Andalus, hilang...hilang ditelan zaman, kita lupa semua jawapan persoalan kehidupan, yang mahir dihafal, Mampukah kita nak jawab di depan Mungkar dan Nangkir nanti?
sesetengah orang kata sejarah ini ibarat pentas bermain wayang cerita-cerita lampau dihurai, dipanjang-panjangkan bila tamat, diulang.. dan diulang kembali itulah sejarah... Kalau begitu, takkanlah mustahil untuk giliran Islam pula yan mendatang tamadun kita yang lama dahulu yang indah gemilang hidup semula, kembali segar bugar terbentang, didunia yang luas..
Maksud hadis: Akan sentiasa ada wujud sekumpulan dari umatku yang terus menegakkan kebenaran dan tegas mendepani musuh. Tidak memudaratkan perjuangan mereka walau dipinggirkan dan dirintangi kesusahan kecuali ujian (Ilahi) sehinggalah datang ketentuan Allah. Mereka akan tetap sedemikian. Sahabat bertanya Di mana mereka itu? Baginda menjawab Mereka berada di Baitul Maqdis dan di kawasan sekitarnya.
Orang Tersayang dibunuh, Keamanan dirampas.. Kemiskinan... Peperangan.. Kanak-kanak Kehausan kasih sayang, Kerosakan merata, rumah binasa...
Everytime you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost That your so alone All you is see is night And darkness all around You feel so helpless You can’t see which way to go Don’t despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake You feel you can’t repent And that its way too late Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame Don’t despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah He’s never far away Put your trust in Him Raise your hands and pray OOO Ya Allah Guide my steps don’t let me go astray You’re the only one that showed me the way, Showed me the way x2 Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah we’ll find the way
Ibnu Taimiyah berkata, “Hati manusia secara tabii berhajat kepada Allah kerana dua sebab iaitu untuk beribadat dan untuk berserah diri. "Hati tidak akan menjadi baik dan berjaya, tidak selesa dan gembira, tidak bersih dan tenang, selagi belum sepenuhnya beribadah menyembah Allah dan sepenuh cinta berpaut kepada Allah. Keadaan ini benar-benar menepati maksud sebaris dari doa yang terkandung di dalam surah Al-Fatihah, “Hanya Engkau yang kami sembah dan hanya kepada Engkau kami memohon pertolongan.”
Hati yang Teguh:
Untuk apa kita dilahirkan?
Renungi maksud firman Allah dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 30: “Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat; sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi.”
Puteri-puteri Islam yang gigih!
Sebagai pemimpin, sewajarnyalah kita berjiwa gagah dan cekal. Juga tersangat penting kita mempunyai hati yang teguh. Oleh itu di dalam kesempatan kali ini ingin ibu mengajak kalian menghayati dan menelusuri perjalanan pembinaan keteguhan hati yang telah direalisasikan oleh Asma’ binti Abu Bakar, puteri kepada khalifah pertama Islam…Kegigihan sepanjang hayat yang sentiasa mengutamakan keredhaan Allah. Beliau mengharapkan kesenangan yang kekal abadi di akhirat kelak seperti maksud firman Allah; "Katakanlah kesenangan di dunia ini hanya sebentar dan akhirat itu lebih baik untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa".(QS An-Nisa':77)
Hati Yang Indah:
Wahai setiap hati yang sentiasa diperhati, Sentiasalah melaraskan kedudukan hati kalian di landasan iman dan taqwa;
"Iaitu orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah. Ingatlah hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram". (QS AR-R'ad:28)
Hati yang indah ini juga bermaksud hati yang ikhlas. Tanda-tandanya dapat dilihat;
Takutkan kemasyhuran. Ibrahim bin Adham berkata: "Orang yang cintakan kemasyhuran tidak berlaku benar terhadap Allah". Fudhahil bin'Iyad berkata: "Jika kamu boleh membuatkan kamu tidak dikenali, maka lakukanlah.Apa salahnya jika kamu tidak dikenali? Apa salahnya jika kamu tidak dipuji? Apa salahnya jika kamu dikeji oleh manusia tetapi dipuji di sisi Allah?". Bisyr Al-Hafiy berkata: "Tidak akan merasakan manis kehidupan akhirat orang yang suka terkenal di tengah-tengah kalangan manusia".
Sentiasa khuatir amalan diri tidak Allah terima jika ada riyak menyusup tanpa disedari.
Beramal diam-diam secara sembunyi dari publisiti.
Tidak asyik dan mengharapkan pujian.
Tidak kedekut memuji orang lain yang berhak dipuji.
Melaksnakan tanggungjawab khalifah Allah tanpa mengharap pengiktirafan ketokohan juga sebarang jawatan kepimpinan.
Mencari keredhaan Allah, bukan redha manusia.
Redha dan marah kerana Allah semata-mata.
Sabar di sepanjang jalan hidup.
Merasa senang sekiranya ada orang lain yang turut bergabung keupayaan dalam melaksanakan amanah Allah.
Menghindari ujub dan bangga diri.
Terus-menerus menjalani proses pembersihan diri dan nafsu.
Semoga kita semua kekal ke akhir hayat di dalam hidayahNya...
"Wahai jiwa yang tenang! Kembalilah kepada RabbMu dalam redha dan diredhai. Maka oleh itu masuklah dalam golongan hamba-hambaKu. Dan silalah masuk ke dalam syurgaKu".
Jika ingin baca dgn lebih lanjut sila ke: Ummu anas. ummu-anas.blogspot.com
The Law Of Attraction may be defined as: " I attract to my life whatever I give attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative"
When you use these word "Don't, Not & No" you are actually internalizing in your mind the exact thing you are being told "Not" to. For example, if I said "Do not think of a snowstorm," I guarantee you would start thinking of a snowstorm almost immediately. even though the instruction was not to do something, you unconscious and conscious mind edited out the part of the instruction.
The Law of attraction responds the same way your mind does: it hears what you DON'T want. when you hear yourself make a statement these word you actually giving attention and energy to what you DON'T want.
Here's the effective and easy tool that will help you reduce and eventually eliminate the use the word don't, not and no from your vocabulary. Each time you hear yourself using don't,nor or no; ask yourself "SO, WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
When you ask yourself what you Do want, the answer will have created a new sentence with new words. when your word change, your vibration changes and the best news of all is that you can only send out one vibration at time.
LOVE is infinitely mare effective in the world than hate, although they exist as equal opposites. So, I suggest reject hate and choose to explore the nature of Love, both emotionally and philosophically.
There is love of self, there is love of family, there is romantic love for another individual to whom are not related, there is love for friend. Then there is love of things that are cultural in nature:music, art and literature; love of animal; love of adventure.
There is love of God( ALLAH swt) and love for the value of one;s faith, of course. That's one kind of love, where emotional, physical and psychological elements all come into play. In many people there is a strong love of country, and it motivate them even to go to defend their homeland eg: the Palestinian. In many people there is similarly a love of and the quest for peace that is motivate by a willingness to take a stand for its pursuit. Although we talk of love as residing in the heart, it actually control by brain. That fact, however doesn't diminish what love is, and it doesn't change the fact that you feel it inside you. Emotionally, love is a conscious state driven from within.
(Say, if you love Allah then follow Prophet, Allah will love you and will forgive all your sins. He is Forgiving and He is Merciful.)
Now I struggle in the channel between "Want" and "Need". My account give me an understanding of the challenges of money, and the need for caution. There was always such a channel between "want" and "need". when I receiving money from my father every week, I was still unstable to reconcile the uncontrollable passions of "Want" and the unmovable insistence of "need" as they battled relentlessly over possession of my meager resources, with "want" winning out over "need" far more frequently than it should have. The "need" to set aside sufficient money to pay bills would be overwhelmed by the ever increasing demands of "want". With hindsight, the results that followed would have been readily predictable.
If you ask me about love And what i know about it My answer would be It’s everything about Allah The pure love, to our souls The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe The one that made us whole and free The guardian of HIS true believers So when the time is hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise HE will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there… HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way Through the short time we have in this life Soon it all’ll be over And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine
So when the time gets hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise He will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And HE knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there…
Allahu Akbar…
So when the time gets hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise He will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And he knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there…